i am convinced that this "creator" took a couple of actually good games, shredded print-outs of the code, picked out the remains, typed it into the computer on javascript, burned said computer, died in the fire, and this game is actually the shitty eulogy someone dedicated to them. may god have mercy on your soul, because lord knows i do not.
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I thought this comment was harsh at first, now I realize it was just light. This game is the embodiment of every sub-par jam games, mashed together, then was cooked by lowering it in a volcano, then used its remaining ashes and mush to draw a pentagram, summon a game from the depths only to cut the summoning in half; getting only parts of those games and doing it over and over again. Then, stitching those parts together to get a frankenstein monster of a game, bringing it on top of the empire state building to strike it with lightning for days, and then, finally, uploading the game through a piss-covered pc they found in a garage sale for 17 dollars.
7/10, needs a bit more work.