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I'm typing this out on my phone so sorry for mistakes! (SPOILERS!) This will go over my thoughts for each route so it will be long, apologies in advance.

I, to be honest, wasn't sure about this game in the beginning since I simply didn't know much about it. I haven't read many urban fantasy stories but was intrigued. 

I did enjoy the relationship between the MC and her father from the get go. All of the relationships in the game, regardless if romantic or not, were extremely natural seeming to me. 

The first route I started was Yuutos though I didn't realize I was starting his route until I was locked in. (Not complaining) I was glad I did his route first since he was the first character we were introduced to and made me curious. 

I liked the fact that the MC in his route was unsure about maintaining her new friendships and how uncomfortable getting out of your comfort zone truly can be. I could definitely relate to her nerves and anxiety.

Yuuto is, frankly, a jerk. But as the route progresses you slowly realize some of the reasoning behind that, and the fact that no one is as simple as they appear. Despite treating the MC unfairly at first, it was heartwarming to see him try to reign in his temper and even see him crack a smile. 

After the two became more accustomed to one another, the playful bantering became fun as well as seeing them slowly become friends. To be honest, I was a little...wary? Unsure? Of the dreams we had of him, since it seemed so early into the friendship. 

Despite this, I was glad of the MC having a best friend she could truly rely on and get advice from (even if her thoughts were always in the gutter lol) 

Overall I really enjoyed Yuutos route. It seemed to be the most dynamic and realistic to me. 

The character I was most curious about that grabbed my attention first was actually Quinn. Maybe it was his sheepish nature, I'm not sure, but he was the second route I did. 

Seeing him flustered constantly was cute, and I easily grew worried for him at the music festival. Compared to other routes their relationship quickly became a romantic one, which surprised me a little. 

His backstory was tragic, yet it was great to see the MC effortlessly support him and quiet his anxieties. I honestly enjoyed the time they/'we' spent together. 

Despite being younger and inexperienced, his feelings were always clear. (Unlike a certain someone's lol) Seeing him so animated about marine life easily made me mirror his smile. 

Overall, his route was sweet and surprisingly the most...domestic? In the end.

Third route I played was Sullivan's. To be honest he wasn't really my type, probably due to his extroverted personality. However he was easy to become friends with and always made sure the MC felt welcome and accepted, no matter what happened.

It was a bit surprising to see him get flustered, since he came across as extremely confident and sure of himself (not in a cocky way, though)

Overall his route was fun, even if there were stints of drama. 

Last was Eryck. I didn't know he was even a route option at first! But his jokes and carefree banter were infectious, making me care about him from the beginning. 

I felt sad a bit at his lack of memory (and whole being dead thing) but was pleased yet a little shocked when it suddenly returned. 

I think I had the most fun with him out of all the routes. It seemed natural to me. I think the way things progressed into a romantic nature made sense and didn't feel forced. 

I did find it interesting that MC's powers changed depending on the route! As for R18 content I won't really comment much on that. The scenes were short and left me wanting a little more, but all in all were well done. 

To be honest, I can't really choose a favorite character route. Each were unique yet the fact of them all being family/friends was totally believable. 

So, thank you for creating such a fun, enjoyable game! (I'm continuing my second playthrough tonight) I basically smiled at the screen for hours on end, playing the routes back to back. 

Thank you so much for the indepth review! I know Yuuto comes off terribly, but I wanted his character to really represent how there's usually something happening behind the scenes to make someone act that way (although it doesn't excuse his actions- this is why I never wanted the MC to just submit to his rude remarks)! Quinn also is one of my favorites. He is nothing but a sweetheart! Sullivan is just, Sullivan lol. He also isnt my type, but I always adored having a LI that could also be a caring friend for the MC. The love I've been seeing for Eryck always makes me happy too, as his route can be a bit heavy for some! Thanks so much for this post and thank you for playing!!