I'm on Linux and a lot of if isn't working right. I'm on Linux Mint 20.3 and using the proprietary nvidia driver. I got stuck at the captcha because it wasn't letting me select the panels.
I then went and watched a lets play and found out there was supposed to be something playing on the screen when you enter the neuraverse. I neither saw nor heard the stuff that plays on entering.
I did see the maze and the jumping puzzle correctly, and the blur effect worked, so some of it does work correctly.
Given the thematic relevance, I'm unsure if this is a bug or expected behavior, but I also couldn't exit the game without tabbing out and closing the window.
Great concept, by the way! I'm afraid you're preaching to the choir, but there's a lot to be concerned about just looking at current social media practices and how they affect people, not even considering how much worse it could get.