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Ouch, I'm sorry for the problem. If it is possible, could you, please paste here the content of the error.log file? The game should inform you during the crash where it is. Or just text which the game shows when it crashes. I will try to fix it.

(1 edit) (+1)

Happy to help. Where would the error.log file be located? I'm not seeing it in the game files?

EDIT: scratch that. Found it. Here are the contents:

2022-03-13 15:38:20.00

Version: 7.0.1


Message: can't read "ttk::theme::steamsky::I(checkbox-unchecked)": no such variable


raised TCL.ADA.TCL_ERROR_EXCEPTION : can't read "ttk::theme::steamsky::I(checkbox-unchecked)": no such variable


2022-03-14 06:25:14.00

Version: 7.0.1


Message: can't read "ttk::theme::steamsky::I(checkbox-unchecked)": no such variable


raised TCL.ADA.TCL_ERROR_EXCEPTION : can't read "ttk::theme::steamsky::I(checkbox-unchecked)": no such variable



Thank you very much for your help. I see what is wrong here, and I can reproduce it. I hope tomorrow, in less than 24 hours since this post, I will release a new, more stable version of the game. :) Furthermore, I'm a bit surprised how I could miss it.