However I would like clarification on the "Playing" cards bit and the rules as I do own 52 Cards of course and even dice here.
OK, let me try!
The deck of 52 cards plus the rules and another person are all you need to play.
If you follow through the rules it should get a bit clearer, but the essential steps are:
1) Both players draw 5 cards each and add the numbers together - that's each player's HP.
2) To decide play order, each draws a card - highest number goes first.
3) Draw 7 cards each. This is your hand, and at the end of each turn you must draw enough new cards to keep it at 7.
4) To battle, the player whose turn it is plays a card they think will win. The other player then selects a card to play. Whoever has played the highest number wins, and that number is the amount is damage the loser takes.
That's your basic rules, if you get that order of things in your head the rest is much easier.
Each suit in the deck has a different role, when played, but the main point of that is the roleplay. If you're playing as part if a roleplayed scene, then the type of card played by player 2 should make logical sense against the card played by player 1. It adds some tactics in but they're optional.
The only other bits to remember are that a suits card (Jack, Queen or King) can be played at the same time as another card, and will add 1 point to the attack. So if Player 1 plays an 8, and Player 2 plays a 9 with a Queen, Player 1 will take 10 damage - thats the 9 plus the 1 from the Queen. And that +1 would still count if the player who put it down loses the draw.
The last trick is the Joker. Play one of those on your turn with your attack card, and you have an automatic win.
I hope this helps? The group rules are a bit more complex, so if you're new to this sort of thing and want to give it a try it's easier to start with just 1 other person. You can also take out all the suits, picture cards and Joker rules as well, which strips it down to the very bones, while you learn.