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This was very fun. It's a bit unforgiving, but at least it was a challenge! The visuals were fantastic too, I love the pixel art, and the main character is super-cute. There's an amazing amount of content there for a jam game - all the different enemies, and a decent amount of levels to play. It's an impressive feat for two weeks' work!

Most of all, I loved the concept of jumping on the beat, it really added to the rhythm-based aspect of the gameplay . There were a few rough edges around the implementation, though they didn't spoil it for me. It's a shame you decided not to do  a post-deadline update to polish it up a little though, as I think it deserves the attention!

Thanks for the kind words! I enjoyed drawing all the pixel art, and I'm glad you appreciate it. It is a bit of a shame that I didn't update it post-deadline but the reason for that was the implementation for the rhythmic gameplay (jumping, beats, bpm, etc) like all of it wasn't done in a way that I was satisfied with, so to me updating it is kind of fixing a lost cause. I'd rather spend time learning more for the next game jam :P Anyways, thank you so much for the feedback!