Wow, I love the style. Straight, simple lines, where each edge actually matters. Great really. And bloom all over the place! And such cute BOBs... Why must I destroy them? :(
It could have been more pleasing to collect scrap I think. 500 is a lot!
I would also have liked some indication that you actually hit an enemy.
The hacking screens are awesome, makes me think of The Witness. Very hard sometimes though, with three rings spinning super fast! Often I don't understand what I hacked...
The randomness when aiming didn't really contribute. Rather it would have been nice with a crosshair when the blaster is found!
Huge map, I can't believe all this was made in a month, very impressive!
I didn't quite make it with the boss. There were too many steps without saving for me.
I sometimes felt a little lost, because the game was so big, but man. What an achievement.