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(3 edits) (+3)

Holy crap! This game had my heart pounding in chapter six. This story had me on the edge basically every scene with Cece after chapter 4. I felt my love for her as person being someone with depression myself. I literally thought about this story for a week. It’s the best description of depression I’ve ever experienced. And this is a small development. Hollywood pays many people to get 1/8th the effect. I’m sorry that this story is obviously very personal and I won’t say anymore other than…thank you. You didn’t have to share. Who ever “C” is she left a lasting impression. Tho life is never what we want it to be we always are needed and desired by someone. I’m sorry for the loss where ever it may be. Thank you for the story of a lifetime. not many  AAA games have hit me like this. I think I cried/sniffled for 45 minutes.

Which leads me to my question. My wife REALLY wants to experience this games story because I’ve been telling her about it but isn’t into the lewd concept of VN games. Is there a version where lewd scenes are optional?