i dunno, for the 7 minutes it have been running I only seen 3 dots jumping
is it a bug? or am I missing something?
It is most definitely a bug. What browser are you using? Is it up to date? It should work on most browsers. If you're using the latest chrome or firefox, and still having issues, I'd suggest clearing out the browser's cache.
If you're still having issues, could you do me a solid and open up the developer tools in your browser, going to the console tab, and seeing if there are any errors?? I'll buy you a coffee
Thanks for the feedback. I'll try to change some things, make the game downloadable, see if it fixes the issue.
I bought an old crappy android device just to test this game out. I thought: "Well, if it runs here, it will run everywhere". Guess I was wrong. Should've bought a 6 thoushand dollar game PC instead :P