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He relaxed a bit at seeing Deku 

"O-oh...I-I-...I'm fine-"

"Are you sure? Its okay to not be okay sometimes..."

he placed a hand on his arm, he did seem stressed out so honestly izuku wanted to help.

"I-I'm ok! Really, I'm fine, see!" 

He smiled brightly at him

"Alright, Ill take your word on that then.."

He then moved his hand and looked over at Present Mic.

Loud man say test tings- 

Izuku waited patiently, waiting to see who was the first round.

It was-y'know, Hiiiim, Tenyaaaa, Ochaco, Aoyama and uhhh-some other peoooppppllleeee-but OOH-Faun was in there. 

Izuku was waiting paitently waiting as he talked with Ocacho.

Faun was trying to psych himself up, just kinda mumbling a pep talk under his breath-

"Ok...ok you've got this-so what if your quirk is basically useless? You can still do this.....crap-what am I thinking, dad's gonna kill me-no, no nope you want to be a hero so-he took a deep breath"

(2 edits)

Since faun was beside him, he smiled and placed his hand on his because deku likes to touch hands :) and whatnot and he whispered to him.

"Hey, you should try being calmer, take your mind off ease."