I'm a bit confused, when it's time for the special date events (like the hot springs, christmas, or aquarim dates) nothing happens between my chracter and the person i'm persuing. I manged to get my love meter up to crush and its been stuck on that for awhile (im at the very last star with little to fill up) I don't know if it's a bug or just takes longer? I've missed most of my special dates because of this. Another problem is that my characters name changed from Isaac to "none", is there no way to change it back?
Hi! You need to be "Lovers" with the character you're pursuing to trigger those special date events! For that to happen, you must talk to your crush AFTER both your love meter AND all the stars are filled up! You still have a little to go with the last star, so you're not at Lovers status with him, thus not being able to trigger any of the special date events! Hope that helps!
From what I've seen, the None name is a common glitch that happened with several of the guys during certain scenes. The only thing to do is wait for a new build where these bugs are fixed. You should post during which scene the name changed (if you remember) so that it will be easier for the creator to find and fix. : )
I think the last star is bugged, tbh :) I've tried finishing game with Tocchan twice now and the last event needed to become lovers with him never fired for some reason (granted I stopped playing like November in both playthroughs after having that state for several months...). It worked fine with Hikaru so I have no idea what's the issue. :<