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Hello! I have more than 1 question, so I'll just be dumping them all in one comment lol.

1. Where do you find the cheat code when you get a guy's best ending? Do you have to completely watch the credits scene for this?

2. I know there's a Best ending and a Bad ending for each route, but what's the third ending each guy has? 

3. Can someone tell me how I can get the missing CG's for Shuu? Here are some screenshots of the CG's I'm missing. I covered the ones I've already gotten so people wouldn't be spoiled if they haven't played his route yet. Thank you so much! <3

Hi, I can only help you with the first one sadly. You get asked if you want to use the cheats, when you start a new game, that's all. 

Hope you find your missing scenes and endings as well! 

(1 edit)

While the person above helped with the first, I can help with the second. Aside from Best Ending and Bad Ending, there is also Good Ending. Which is where you play all of a guy's scenes and give the correct "good" answer for the last one, but don't win the Seiyuu Award at the end of the year.

Hmm, I gave the "good' answer, played all of their scenes, filled up their love meter, and didn't go past Celebrity fame status, but I still got the 'Best' ending and not the 'Good' ending. Did I do something wrong? Should I aim for a lower fame status? Or not fill up their love meter all the way?

you should not win the award so im gonna say lower fame

Continuing the chain, here's some CG help - I haven't gotten all of them myself, but here's what I do know.

SPOILERS (as few as possible, but just in case):

First page, top left - you should get that one when going to his mansion for a job, with high friendship or love points, I think. I got in the matter of course of stalking him, but you might have not done the job enough or stopped doing it before the friendship or love points were high enough. 

First page, all the way left, middle row - you can get multiple versions of this, so it should show up at some point.  Can't think of anything special I did to get it, sorry.

First page, all the way to the right, middle row - sexy times!  Keep using your mouth on him until the blowjob scene happens, and this happened eventually.  This variation didn't trigger for me until Shuu was a dom, so that might have had something to do with it.

The other two are missing for me too, sorry.  I just asked my friend who's playing as well and she said the one on the second page, top right, is one which comes after Shuu adopts a cat, which is news to me.  Man, I want to see that. 


Oh gosh!! Thank you so much!!

I figured out how to get the last two CG's! For the 1st page, bottom row in the center, you have to top Shuu the first time you have sex with him. As for when he adopts a cat, you trigger the event when you spend time with Shuu at the Restaurant on a weekday! After that, spend time with him at the Bookstore on a weekday and you'll get the CG after that! Hope that helps!!!

Thanks!  I'll restore my saves and top him... but I thought I saw every possible variant at the restaurant.  Did you have a pet of your own? My friend didn't, so maybe it only happens if you're petless. If so, that'd be a bummer, since I basically snatched a pomeranian off the street the second I could, lol.  

Lol  yeah I think you have to be petless for it to happen b/c when you & Shuu come across the cat, you make a lot of comments about how you can't afford to take care of it on your own and stuff. That's how Shuu decides to adopt the cat himself. You're welcome!  <3

Deleted 5 years ago

How did you manage to spend time with Shuu at the restaurant on a weekday? Shuu only goes to the restaurant on Saturday which is a weekend????

Hm, are you at Lovers status with Shuu at the moment? I think that also plays a factor in that. Unless I read the day wrong and accidentally thought the day I went to a restaurant was a weekday... Update me if that works for you or if the event can be triggered on a weekend!

how do you check your CGs?