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i havent got the poland ending,can someone help,pls?

HELLLOOO i'm late but whatev.

-at the beginning, choose the music club.

-friday. in the first class, say 'playing and listening to music' when introducing yourself. in the first break, you js go to class. in the test, always choose middle options. when america asks you  to go study w him, tell him you're busy.

-monday. in the club, tell germany you wanted to learn how to play classical music on the piano. when he asks you about your fav classical musician, answer frederic chopin. ask him how old he his, then tell him he looks a few years older than you. you'll see poland fighting with lithuania. in the next break, go to the club hallway, hungary and poland are there. tell poland you came here to talk. then ask them what they did in the abandoned park. after they told you, say 'holy shit'. in math class, join any group you like (try to keep your answers neutral so you won't accidentally activate another route). in the break, go to the main hallway on the 1st floor. tell him it would be nice if he showed you around. when ukraine asks you where finland is, tell her you don't know. don't draw or write something in the class after. you'll get shown around by poland, when he flirts w u , say 'was that a flirt?'. 

-tueday. pay attention instead of talking to america, also don't draw something. in the break, go to the club. tell germany to eat polands pierogi. tell him his food is amazing and then thank him for his compliment. in english class, look around the classroom. go to the library where you meet up in the break. next class fall asleep/pay attention. 

-wednesday. in english class, let others speak. fall asleep during frances / uk's argument. go to class in the break. next break, go to the trash cans where russia and poland are. follow poland when he leaves and talk to him. on your way home, say hi to germany.

-thursday. when italy gets knocked down by lithuania in the 1st break, ignore him.  next break go to class again.

-friday. class, go to class in break, class, PE class, go home.

-weekend. decide you wanna go to sleep, you'll get a message from poland. answer 'lets go'. in the forest, say you could never hate him.  you'll get asked out :)

i can't get germany to say hi to me at the end of wednesday