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Archer's bow disappeared when she fired all her arrows. Darn it. I will comment out the music and give her more arrows. Sigh. I hadn't heard of any issues with the music until now...

Hello from the pygame community.

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "d:\games\amulet\", line 27, in <module>


  File "d:\games\amulet\", line 17, in init_screen"epic-heart-2-min-8643.mp3"))

pygame.error: Failed loading libmpg123-0.dll: The specified module could not be found.

Oh wait, I remember I had to get that module separately, though I'd read that that should have come along with installations. I had entirely forgot about that. Well, tonight is all about making a tutorial that works, and fixing issues. Thanks so much for your help!