But A-10s don't have Afterburners, Yes i know it looks cool but, I would rather have a clearer looking control panel. Afterburner on the F-16 would be something I would like though. The sound for the A-10 should be from the A320 also. The F-16, F-35 and F-22 should all have the F-18 sound and Afterburners.
Also the AI file for your A-10 seems based on the F-18 but it should not be because, ASOBO messed up. The MS F-18 takes of like a Cessna 150 in AI. Your best asset to MSFS 2020 is that your native Aircraft work really well as military AI aircraft. However they are also good primary aircraft. I like your F-16 and F-35 so much that I still haven't bought any other versions.
I know you see your selves as more of an exterior flyer builder but, why sell yourselves short on that?