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(1 edit)


It was an ordinary day, Katsuki was in class, looking at the board, taking notes, tapping his foot impatiently. He was stressed as fuck-why may you ask? Because of the soulmate situation. But, why would he be so stressed out if he didn't believe in it? Well probably 'cause 2 of his friends have the same eye color as him...What if..what if it was actually true? No-but it couldn't be-all that shit doesn't exist-but...could it..? No-no-nope-no way-I mean-that stuff is BS! Nu-uh-

(OH-I forgot I had chica para Sero-) 

(HOLY SHIT SHE'S HOT-She's very pretty! :D)

Behind Katsuki was Ren, he was also taking notes, secretly listening to music on his phone with his ear-buds in. He knew Aizawa would yell at him for listening to music so he used his hair to cover 'em. Anyways, he glanced over at Katsuki.

R: "Whispering, Yo-dude, you alright?"

"Whispering, I'm fine-why are you asking me that?"

R: "...Cause you're foot/leg look's like it's having a seizure..?"

He pointed at his foot with his pen.

"Haha-very funny-" 

He then grabbed his pencil. throwing it back to him. Ren caught it, and glared at him-right after Ren told him that, he stopped moving his leg.

"You should be working, not focusing you're attention on me.."

R: "Whatever-"

Ren scoffed as he rolled his eyes, moving one of his black-strands of hair out his face. Katsuki then bited his nails slightly-THIS DUDE NEVER BITES HIS NAILS-

-"Okay-what if it doesn't exist? Yeah-I mean-Kaz doesn't seem to have any feelings for me-so we should be good! Kiri doesn't either-so that mean' doesn't exist-but at the same time, Kaz is an asshole that really doesn't give a shit about anyone-but he's also really sweet-Shitty Hair actually tends to care about people-but-nononoKatsukiyou'regoingfuckinginsane-noneofthemareyou'resoulmatethatshitdoesn'texist-nopenopenope-NO!!-"

He then sighed/groaned, putting his hands in his face-he really didn't know what to do-

Oh I didn't realize we were involving Kaz in this but-OH WAIT OK I figured out a way around it. 

(Also I'm making another like-hardcore, official I actually draw these people and make backstories for them MHA OC, aaaand she has a big ol' crush on Sero :>) 

Ren felt someone tap on his shoulder 

"Um-hey Ren?" 


(Oooo! I'm excited for that-)


Ren leaned his head back, looking at the person. His ear-bud fell out-


He reached over for it, picking it up.

"Yeah what's up?"


Kichi's(new girl) brow furrowed in confusion 


"What's weird?"

"I could've sworn I heard music-I just figured you were blasting yours too loud-" 


"Don't-don't worry about that-anyways that the hell did you want?"

"No that was it-I was just gonna ask you to turn yours down but-I guessss I just entire playlist's worth of Pitbull and Shakira stuck in my head?" 

(Sero would-)