One new bug, one edit to old bug, took some fixed bugs off old list. Haven't explored recent version enough.
(New) Other:
- TV not working with video tape or game console. Missing something?
(Old) Minor:
- Chef Mix can be carried around by Mr. Cleany, it apparently wasn’t invisible duplicate mix.
- While playing Chef Mix’s minigame, you can trigger action keys while spelling words (been around forever, no harm if it still exists).
- Doggo reacts to the player tilting their head up and down, but not side to side. Bit weird.
- When Mr. Cleany touches a magnetized door and leaves, it plays the demagnetized sound and eventually takes the magnet off.
- Smile Dog is active in Lil Puss mode.
- Can spam-click incorrect answers in Lil Puss mode and make Viktor’s voice overlap when doing notebook. More overlap during first notebook intro.
- In Lil Puss mode, Viktor uses his normal intro at the start of the level (others mentioned this).
- Dropped items can float in mid-air when placed on solidish-still characters, character needs to move away to demonstrate floating properties. Ex: Viktor or Chef Mix, others?
- Throwing an item away while it has a green circle retains a green circle, craft air again.
- Rust labyrinth, language level completion without Viktor, and Lil Puss completion achievements don’t work (been around for awhile).
- Achievement picture and descriptions in test menu aren’t aligned properly. Ex: Spilled soda achievement says in the description “get curse from Mr Mix”.
(Old) Major:
- Can place magnet on the sides of doors (watched a video over this). Now it disappears once placed.
- My quick edit. Possible to get behind doors without opening them, Mr Cleany involved. Thanks to someone else's reply.
- Opening doors sometimes drains your sanity, even if you aren’t looking at something sanity driven (might be my computer, added it incase).