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Test run of hybrid strategy (two orc fighters,  remaining NPCs   mostly prostitutes)    is complete.

In game time is Night of W: 2 D:6.  

Gold counter reads "14k". I have 10k worth of just cotton and     assorted armors/weapons/etc. worth a few thousand more.

Mansion has 20 rooms, first Master's Bedroom Upgrade, and Forge I completed.  Upgrade schedule has   Tailor  I, Forge II and Farming: Silk in progress.

Guild Points earned so far:    Fighters  580,   Workers  496, Servants 688, Mages 420.

#1 prostitute is Daisy with a job rating of 272.7.  Two other workers have a prostitution rating of just over 100. Total combined prostitute rating is  930.5. I  kind of lost track of how much they earn per turn because the gold counter is now reporting my gold to the nearest thousand.

I think I  did okay.

If it works out how you wrote it then yes thats good. Its definitely more than the prostitute strat I use, at least in the beginning stages. Less gold than the steel strat though, but seems to keep up with it in upgrades and beat it out in guild points. I suppose the main differences are that I never take recruitable NPCs like daisy, and I don't skip the debt.  I'm guessing you swapped the guild quests over to medium or hard for week 2? Otherwise those points are too high.

Yes, I took a gamble on Medium tasks for week 2 and they paid off.

Can't say I'm familiar with the "steel strategy" though the name strongly implies that it requires getting Forge I up and running ASAP.

I've refined the double orc strategy further--it's better to start both as Archer and   pick up Fighter later.  

Archer makes the starting fights MUCH smoother. 

I'm going out on a limb and calling Double Orc Archer as the strongest starting setup in the game.  They can take down a Bandit Fort as early as W: 1, D: 3.