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Sero thinks-aaaaand shrugs it off. YOU DUMBASS-

DUMMY-  WELP let's go to the slightly less dumb dumbass sr. boom boi. 

Katsuki then sat down in his chair, un-muting himself.

"God I hate her-she got me in trouble today-"

"Oh-sorry Spikes, I actually gotta go." 

"Why so soon..?"

"Todoroki just got to my dorm-"

Okay I'm kinda glad you brought him in here 'cause I'm slowly realizing why those 2 should go together-

He rolled his eyes, smiling a bit.

"Alright, I'll talk to you later..have fun-"

He hanged up-his smile fading away.

"Okay-so-I don't think me and Kaz are-but-fuck-FUCK!!"

He groaned as he got up, flopping on his bed-LOLS LOSER-IMAGINE NOT FINDING YOUR SOULMATE-BOZO-

He heard someone knocking on his door 



He then sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Come in."

Kirishima walked in 

"Hey man, are you ok-what the-Bakubro what happened!?" 

He ran over, crouching down in front of him-clooooseeeee-VERY CLOSE-