Thank you SalusExScientiae :) I wasn't sure if I could explicitly say that! However it suddenly wouldn't be a 200wd rpg as you'd have to source all the mechanics from somewhere else. This also means you'd have to write up strengh ,con , int ect...for each character. All of which would be sourced from elsewhere leaving this as just an alternative world in a dnd setting.
That is how I intended the section to sound. What I thought I made explicit is that there are still humans and you play as one by using the word 'shunned' and referring to the elves and orcs attacking the city. However there is no reason why ypu couldn't play as an orc or elf. I left as much in the open as possible and put it down to players that would be that way inclined would create a backstory. I originally had a mutation mechanic for stats but threw it away for this edition as it added to many words and I really wanted to try and capture a more standard rpg feel as a priority.
This was my attempt at just that! Also my first game :)
Thank you again!