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I really hate to ask but i've always wanted to play this game,but I don't want my parents to see the download (they're smart with electronics).So could there possibly be a web version made?(Sorry if I annoyed you by asking this question.) :<

just try to hide it well. Maybe in a secret folder or any other folder where it doesn't stand out.

Problem is,they're REALLY good at checking my laptop..They can get to ANYTHING no matter what I do sadly

well its a pretty short game. Just download it, play it through and delete it. If you only want the scenes and stuff, you can just search clips of it on xxxvideos or something. Just look up "tentacle locker gallery" or anything like that.


True, alright then

name the folder something like Roaming or %appdata% and tuck it into another game folder that youve installed

Problem is,they're REALLY good at checking my laptop..They can get to ANYTHING no matter what I do sadly

why would they look into a folder named like that tho? Like do they check every single folder once in a week or something? I just can't imagine, that your parents would, go into one of your game folders, search around in it and then specifically go into a "Roaming" or "%appdata%" folder (or check every single folder in your games).

Sadly my parents are overprotective T~T

damn. Well still looks like they failed to protect your innocence lol.

XD yep

you can put the game into a USB memory stick. when you want to play the girls, you put usb on the computer