Hi, I really like the graphics of the game, the character, and world design are very impressive, but you should really make it so you can save your progress. It's one thing to have to restart the entire level whenever you die(I feel the doors you go through should serve as checkpoints), and it's another thing to lose all your upgrades whenever you close the game and have to start from scratch whenever you reopen the game. It's really frustrating. Then secondly, the game lags: the loading screen stays on for very long even after it indicates that it's complete, and the player moves a bit slowly and doesn't respond to the keypresses as fast as he should. (I don't know if this is a result of the lag, or the player actually moves that slowly) And there are cases where the game just freezes and by the time it recovers, I've already been hit a couple of times. I know the lag is not from my laptop, because I play other more advanced games, and those are fine. I like the game, but I don't really enjoy playing it because of these problems, so it'd help if you could fix them. Thanks.