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The rythm is synced very well to pressing the button, but the sound which is then played is only played after pressing the button which just feels "too late" for me. I have to consciously press late to not hit it too early.

Also I think the music could change more with more difficulty. I think there are additional drums and snares, but the base loop gets abit boring after a while.

Movement also seemed to not affect too much. Mostly I focused on getting the beats correct and just moved randomly until I saw a "white drop". But I just played until score ~60 or ~100 so maybe movement gets more important later on.

But otherwise I like your game and with increased variaty (longer song, more songs, "tapping" not only on main beats but varied with the song, movement mechanic maybe connected to music, maybe level design connected to music?) I would actually like to play it as a "proper game".

Hey thank you for playing and leaving very constructive feedback. There is a bit of silent in the beginning of the sound played when pressing the button, you are spot on with that. I played the game too many times so I did not see that at all. You are also right about everything else, the movement is not that important, I just encourage movements by having the white dots. I would love to have more substance in the game but I've done everything I could given the time :D. Im glad you played long enough to hear the drum and snare, and again, really appreciated your feedback!