Great work! Very tight! Congratulations on your first Godot Wild Jam entry!!
It is a well executed platformer with some good feeling controls and a nice power-based twist. It was a bit too punishing for a jam game, I think, with the permadeath when you have an unfortunate fall which was quite easy to do with the green alien. I think the camera could have worked a bit nicer here, and looked towards the ground at the apex of the jump, rather than lock super hard onto the character.
A couple of small pieces of advice:
- One is to not use ESC in the control scheme if you are building to HTML5 as it exists fullscreen mode.
- On the topic of fullscreen, in your "Project Settings" in Godot, go to Display -> Window, and then set Stretch -> Mode to "2D" and Stretch -> Aspect to "keep". This will be a very friendly stretch mode for 2D games in fullscreen. This is just something that you don't know until you do!
As others have commented, the audio balance is a bit off - In case you don't know, you can also edit and add audio busses in the game and attribute AudioStreamPlayers to a different bus depending on what it is. This is really good for managing Music and SFX separately, for example, and really handy to make this distinction as it will work well in a settings menu with a slider, for example.
Great work and keep up the jamming!