"N-N-No-I-I-I'm sorry I'm sorry I-I-I won't do it again I-I-I won't just p-please let go-"
His gaze was beyond Kiri's, eyes big as dinnerplates
". . ."
He stayed quiet for a little moment, slowly moving him so his back would be on his armmm, and his other able to place itself on his chest-think of like holding a baby. lol. =w=
Anyways, he began to just simply.. hum a quiet, gentle song. It.. was unclear what the song could've been, but Kiri didn't care if he knew what it was, he just wanted him to calm down the best he could-
da poor beanssssss ;-;)
Kiri started to have tears of his own welled up in his eyes, he lifted him up just a bit and buried his face into his shoulder, like the very edge of it, not near his neck or anything- -v-
"I-I'm sorry-I'm so so sorry, I didn't m-mean to cause this, i was just t-trying to be a good friend to you-I'm sorry..-"