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His eyes widened as he stared at him-and holy fuck did he feel guilty.


He slowly got off the bed, going to Kiri's-ASSHOLE-

Kiri was just passed out, laying on his back on the bed.

R.G. : "this boy quite literally walked through fire to help you-his quirk took the brunt of the damage but he still burnt himself a bit-" 

He had a couple of burns on his legs- 

"'s-it's all my fault..?"

His lower lip quivered a bit, grabbing Kiri's hand shakily. He didn't really have any burns on him-just one tiny one on his arm-

(1 edit)

R.G. : "I didn't say anything like that-it was his choice to do this for you-he clearly cares about you an awful lot-" 

"I-I know! B-But-the whole fire thing-w-was my fault-a-and he didn't deserve it-"

R.G. : "Then why don't you apologize to him when he wakes up?" 

"...T-That's what I'm going to do."

R.G. : "And you're going to have some explaining to do to Aizawa!"

"....Aw fuck-"

He sighed, sitting back down on the bed as he stared at Kiri in pure guilt.

Time skippy?