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While I wasn't entirely sure what to do, I did find the game incredibly fun. Despite the tank controls and a "S" key essentially breaking the camera, I got a lot of enjoyment from just running around and seeing what was around. I do wish the theme of "strange power-ups" was incorporated a bit better. I think letting you keep the magic stones abilities past just interacting with them once would help, and maybe introduce some more, since each one does essentially the same thing with a different color. 

One other issue I ran into was some super wonky collision. Of course, with a 3D game made in the span of a little more than a week, I'm sure it's a heck of a lot harder to test everything to get it right. For example, right at the edge of the town, there's an open gate so I went through it and ended up falling out of the world.

The game, at the end of the day, certainly needs a bit of work, however, I found it very enjoyable for what it is.