Anyone know how to get Huxley's good end? I can't seem to get on her route.
- you can getting on her route by approaching her in Cryptozoology, Potions, Practical 101 or gardens
- All her dates are at 6:00 PM
-She doesn't really require any points so just focus on the date.
She doesn't really need any 'good points', so you only need to focus on her dates.
1st meeting(garden, class)
choices don't really matter
2nd meeting(garden)
- choices ain't a matter, meet her at 6:00 pm
3rd meeting(class, garden)
-"Do something"
proceeds to the 2nd date (6:00 PM)
4th meeting(garden):
-"Daddy...?" (Try it, I dare you)/ "Huxley...?"
5th meeting(class, garden):
- "No"
-"I'm not!"
1st date:
- "reluctantly pay"
- "PEE-noh nwar"
- "poetry"
- "Don't toucha' my spaghetti" / "Hey, what's they big deal?"
- "Tina"
2nd date:
- "Yeah"
- "Quick and furrow, so you get rid of all the grime"
- "Wine- scented"
- "Hay"
3rd date:
-"Prince Hoshi... I have a confession..."
- "2^12"
- "Realize you have two hands"
- "Get on with it already!" / "..."
1st CG: You'll get the first CG on her 3rd meeting.
2nd CG: once you complete the ending you'll get it.