The smell just, got to him. He never, never enjoyed these sorta of smells. His stomach began to...curn?...Whatever fancy word for sick lol-, His hand clenched on the feather slightly, the sheer cries for help, and the.. actually insane people there just made him uncomfortable. There was bound to be one ACTUALLY bad person there, but regardless-he walked further. He had one thing on his mind, and whatever he had to do to get to it, he would.
The door slowly clicked shut behind him with a small hiss. What he saw-well-
Lu was laying on his side in the fetal position on the cold tile floor, chained to the wall by a collar around his neck. His hands were in metal mitts, shackled together, and his legs were in shackles too-all of which were chained to the wall as well. It was physically impossible for him to move from that spot without hurting himself. He was clean, but that wasn't really saying much when he looked like he hadn't been fed in a couple of days. There were dark circles under his eyes, skin sticky with sweat. He seemed-out of focus to Sho-he was flipping back and forth between his wolf form, going so fast that it was impossible to focus on one or the other. He barely seemed concious, like he was awake but not really recognizing anything, eyes glazed over. His ears were flat against his head, unable to even really whimper from how fast he was changing. He was just-silent.
...Let's just say, the view of Lukas, was almost even worse then when he heard he was caught. He could never, never think of what would've been so bad, this?... This was just unhumanly. He didn't know what to do, he didn't know if he could do anything. He had to wait for hawks, he couldn't just walk up to Lukas and hug him like he wanted to do. ...Though, we both know that he was both stupid, and lovestruck enough to do so. But even know, he just couldn't compered even a single word. Minutes passed by, frozen in place as his eyes practically shook as his eyes looked down his entire body. The chains, the frail body, hell-even the fact that lukas was just, obviously in pain. He could just see it. Finally, he was able to get out one.. single.. word..