We have received your feedback, and we have listened to you!
We've worked hard and changed some stuff, listed below.
Rember that, if you have some suggestions, you can write a post on our discussion board on Itch.io or Join our Discord Server.
Change Log 0.1.12a
- Modified in-game target system to randomly generate targets based on available buildings.
- Grim Lord portal towers now give additional protection to Grim Lord when active (including visual feedback).
- Portal Towers now have a visible health bar.
- Enemy souls now are colour-coded to represent their value (darker means a higher amount).
- Ranged enemies now have a visible health bar (this should make them more visible).
- Changed colour of enemy projectiles.
- Health increasing upgrades now adds to the current health points of the Grim Lord (and not only to max health).
- Added new in-game upgrades.
- Added incremental re-roll upgrade (In-Game upgrades have a chance to show up, so re-rolling increases the chance to get offered a rare upgrade).
- General game balancing.
- Portal Towers now damage enemies on spawn/despawn (thunders are directed at damaged enemies).
- Grim Lord minions are now semi-transparent.
- Limited the maximum number of spawnable ranged enemies during waves.
- Revised some upgrades cost and dropped soul amount.
- Added a how-to-play menu.