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(1 edit)

This seems like a useful tool! Although I think the second option would be best for someone to have the option to use it or not, and probably only allowed if they've already played the game at least once. It seems like too much power for someone to quickly receive without understanding how to use the game. I like the option to skip, but I wish there was a different way to skip instead of using the bed. I'm a osu player and I tend to click buttons rapidly, I'm worried that I'd accidentally hit one of the options too quickly and skip too far. Perhaps there should be a specific way you have to be able to use the feature as maybe doing a certain pattern of things in his room or adding a feature to perhaps maybe giving him an alarm clock on his phone or beside his bed? Although it would probably take awhile to do that, so I suppose we'd have to just save before we click on the bed lol. Good luck with getting rid of all the bugs!

I just realized you probably already have it just for people who finished a route or so, sorry! Also I'm already getting used to the change, took me awhile now, thanks for it! Pretty useful considering sometimes I do get impatient but it doesn't get very helpful when I over think things like "what if I missed something?!" I may have beaten all the main routes but I still don't want to miss anything.