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I asked just to see if something changed ever since I played his route a year ago, GOD if his route wasn't traumatizing, tho i always kind of get why people would be so in love with this guy, he's basically the embodiment of a nostalgia for your first love and all the "what would have happeneds" that surrounds him, like you know you have to move on, but they'll always have a place in your heart for all they meant, even if you were incredibly toxic for each other, but in the end you need to let go...

That and he is hot XD, chingas a tu madre cada vez que respires pinche perro todo toxico y culero, (for everyone that doesn't speak spanish  "lysm <3 latino solidarity")

Also, P.D. while I didn’t particularly like TJ´s route I’ve always loved how they perfectly portray how toxic his desire for vengeance is but how afraid he is to act upon it himself, having to rely on others to fight for him, even manifesting to an extent as a sort of twisted wish fulfillment love sick chase that acts as his abuser and Knight in shining armor doing everything TJ ever wanted to be done.