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(2 edits) (-1)

So I thought I was going to complete Kei's secret route. I did his events and everything. But for some reason I got the 'no time for love' ending. Am I doing something wrong, or is this normal?

I think what I did was I started out by befriending Hikaru to trigger a cutscene, then it pretty much went from there. I have no idea what could be triggering this ending. I'm so confused.

All I know is I triggered a scene sometime in October or so where Haato kissed Kei and felt bad afterwards for taking advantage of him. Then he broke contact with him.


To get kei ending:

=friends with hikaru

Dev say:16 June, 3 July, 16 August, 16 September, 16 October 

(That date you will messege from him)

=DON'T win seiyuu award 

That all

(1 edit) (+1)

So DON'T win the seiyuu award? That's a pretty strange requirement, but it would explain why I couldn't get his good end. Thanks for the response!