The objects at the start are supposed to be things you collect throughout the beginning of the game. For a few reasons, including the fact that this is a short demo level, I just give them to you at the start. In the final game it won't work like this. Note this is not all the items. There are 3 other types of gun in the level that are not at the beginning, and grenades.
I'm not sure what broken column you speak of. To get the cube down you use the tractor beam to pull it and then place it on the circle button (see attached image). You shouldn't have to shoot at it.
I see what you are saying about the gun being too useful. The difficulty of this level is supposed to be like level two or three in a full game since I wanted to get a feel for how the gameplay works in the middle of the game. By that point in the game you would probably be using the gun. You are right about the shield, it hardly has any use in the game which is something I need to think about.
A few people have told me to take the guns out and just make it bow and melee. I'm considering taking out most of the guns and just leaving one slow, powerful gun.
The black cube is a bomb. After you kill the minion that carries it, you can carry it and place it somewhere and then blow it up by shooting it. It has a "fuse" sound so you can hear the minion coming and that is a video game trope that alerts the user that a bomb is nearby. That said, the fuse sound doesn't make any sense in this context since the bomb is not on a timer. I'll probably just make the minion tell and take the fuse sound out.
The right hand disappearing thing is likely a known bug that happens sometimes when you climb while still holding a weapon. The hand gets stuck on the ladder rung. This is something I have to fix.
By teleport, I think you mean the tractor beam? Originally the game did have standard VR teleporting but I took it out because it allowed the player to circumvent too many traps and platformer elements.
Thanks again for all of the feedback!