i hope we will be able to re-watch some story scenes at some point since this isn't really a game you would make multiple playthroughs of (at the moment, don't know if you plan to make divergent stories later)
also, the way Violet attaches to her when she shows off the spells is great. can we get that version as an alternate form of "clothing"? maybe half total HP/MP in return for faster cooldowns on spells? you could have it only activate in combat since it wouldn't make sense for her to walk around town like that. i just want that form back tbh
gameplay wise: i think spell cooldowns should continue on when outside of combat. its not really logical for the spell to still be at the same state of unavailable after gathering 3-4 chests (for example). or having a spell that can reset other spells when out of combat, if you are worried about balance