Can you elaborate on the design decision for assigning 15 points to attributes at character creation? Why not fewer or more points? Would different values be too swingy?
Using 15 points provided the best balance, especially since this was more designed for one shot games. You characters should be fairly competent at what they do. If you put 5 into everything, you basically pass any roll 2/3 of the time. At 6 / 5 / 4, you have 83% / 66% / 50 % pass rates, giving you something you are really good at, good at, and not good at. You could even go 6 / 6 / 3 if you were really min/maxing and be great at 2 things and terrible at one. Within a D6 system the percentages swing in bigger numbers with each point in a skill, and 15 points ended up being the ideal breakdown for me.