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Hey Eiyal  ...  Ya like most have a life outside of here  LOL 

-->>  4 anyone who doesn't like the much fewer Dates   [1 of great things about this game is Moddable!] 

File is:
Note that  7/WK is actually more than 1/day, since they're all avail @ once;
@ MAX charm   (now 6)    weekly_dates_max  = 4; 

Prostitutes have also been nerfed a *LOT;     In fact *SO* much that nearly anything else makes more gold!     [wood/fish/etc]

Archer Orcs?   Never tried that.   (think I did the combat Orcs----Fighter/  [can't rem their special!] )

I too haven't gone beyond 1st Act;   I suppose I could from an old save,  but even the 4 turns/day R a big change to get used to!  [& affect a *LOT*!]  
Even a small mistake----timing, placement, etc R more costly now.     + u have more wasted time.    [time period = 6h,  but maybe u only need 2?  or 4?]

2 /combat team depends on dungeon---& luck!     Newbie = no armor   (assume no classes?)  either basic weapon, or NONE.  
I've seen many get "slaughtered";     Again, part is luck/dungeon;   Worse is:    2  VS  6;       2 VS   (now more BONUS enemies!)  mult enemies w bonus;  [harder to hit/kill]

I suppose add 2 everything unlike some, I'm not really "Hard-Core",     Mostly play 4 fun/stress/tension relief, etc.   When It becomes a bad thing, when I want to toss the (*()*&!!!  out the window...(!).   Time to QUIT.     (or make game EASIER?)  
The more Dev tries to appeal to "Hard-Core" types,  the more he'll loose the casual "play for fun" types.     [hey even the Music is relaxing!]
(Ok,  the guy I read about wanting "INFINITE GOLD"  was too much  LOL!    --->>>  BEST OPTION    (anybody talk to the dev?)     Would be to have    EASY/MED/HARD options @ start.     [changing gold etc @ start,  would *NOT* change back other things---like reduced # of dates]