I appreciate the work you're doing, however my save file did not transfer over from the last version so now I'm screwed it took my 6 hours to beat mushroom girl in the first place and I can't do that again. so please I'm begging you implement an easy mode for shit players like me, who have the coordination of a baby giraffe on roller skates and the reaction time of a snail on weed. it may be harder than i think because I'm not a programmer but cant you just have easy mode double player damage and half enemy damage while lowering, the enemies movement speed.
the worst part for the mushroom battle for me is when you get knocked down by her charge, she jumps and lands on you before you have a chance to get up so i can't do anything.
and the only way i beat it in the first place was by finding a small crevasse in the terrain where her attacks rarely hit me which is now gone.