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Fantastic job mate, very creative, those environments were great. I did run into a few bugs, during the opening I pressed P and become soft-locked. Also during the multiple option colour puzzle with the heart and the suit, I died and after I loaded back into that puzzle, the wall would not collapse after all the puzzle pieces were set, I also ran into an issue near the last math puzzle area, once the ceiling killed me I just fell out of world, this was a really cool entry though aside from the issues.

Ahhh thanks for letting me know. I must have left the pause menu in the build which i shouldnt have so will get that updated. Ill double check the colour puzzle as that hasnt been an issue for people who doed and had to redo it. The final math puzzle if you get squished should just display a death widget. Did this not happen?

Thanks again for playing.

Hey there, the widget appeared for a second, and then it just disappeared, not too sure what happened, sorry I can't give more info, I was on my lunch break at work so had to rush back. No problem at all the game was a pleasure to play.

OK, thanks for the feedback. I'll deffo look into that as there isn't any reason why it should dissappear