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(3 edits) (+5)(-2)

Itch doesn't actually care, which is cool of them.

The game isn't really about mind control, and that's why I mention the lack of nonconsensual content so people don't come in expecting it and leaving disappointed. People like you, apparently.

The game is about a guy realizing his pocket watch makes him capable of using hypnosis to grant the wishes of the girls in his life. They ask to quit smoking, and he offers that. As a side effect, they develop an oral fixation and decide to use it as a way of thanking him.

I suppose I could have named the game, "Oral Fixation" but then you might be bitching about the game not having any dentistry in it.

But yeah, don't call a dev a liar when you haven't played their game. I don't know much about you, so I wouldn't come to your work and say, "Taco Bell isn't real Mexican food! This burrito is fake!" and throw it on the floor without trying it.

You probably put a lot of work into making it.