The visuals are really impressive. I don't think the graphics are the best in the jam, but the combination of decent-enough graphics, smooth motion, loads of effects, and tasteful bloom come together to form something that looks great together.
The music is fun and matches the game well, and the sound effects are well chosen (except maybe for the hit sound, but that's really splitting hairs).
The gameplay was really fun at first, and I love the idea of cards that more or less directly translate to bullets being fired on screen. I really enjoyed the first round, it was well paced, well balanced, and just really cool to see everything working together.
It did start to fall apart a bit as I kept playing, though.
How the cards work exactly is a bit confusing. It's not clear how exactly the effects will stack or what's beneficial versus redundant, and I didn't even realize the modifiers only stacked a certain way versus affecting all cards. It didn't really feel like I was making strategic decisions here, just throwing on the most powerful cards I had.
The pulsing indicators on screen during the game are pretty cool, though.
I found the game way too visually busy. With hit indicators and tons of projectiles with glow effects all around it's really hard to make out the projectiles flying toward you or the enemies they're coming from. However, I basically can't play bullet hells so I think others might have different opinions on this.
I made it three rounds and died, and by that point it was starting to feel a bit repetitive. The initial wow factor had worn off, and there's no narrative or goal to push me forward. Even the sense of progression wasn't that strong.
In a way it feels a bit like a demo, but honestly for a jam game that's not that big a deal. And it was a pretty awesome demo.