Oh my. I'm so touched by your review @_@ Thank you! Especially coming from you: your submission is one of my three picks for the winner of this jam, if I'm being honest. 9_9
Just to address each point:
-The violin countermelody: that's my mom's favorite part too :P
And noted: for the full version of this song, I'll be considering your recommendation for more violin countermelodies.
-What you say about the power in "implied melody over piano chords"-- I know, right?! I always wanted to try my hand at this practice. This is actually my attempt at that. But of course I'm no Hans Zimmer (who I'm stealing this practice from, I mean I wish). So, how successful I was at it... I leave that to the comments ^^'
-I never played Fire Emblem. I'll check the soundtrack immediately. EDIT: Nevermind, I'm listening to it now. Holy sh*, I'm being compared to this!? I'm double-flattered!
Seriously grateful for your words. I mentioned it in your page, but both in your words and your music, it shows you know what you are doing, so that makes it more valuable. I realize you made similarly detailed reviews in every entry, and I did notice you were picking the things you liked to be the things you mention. Which speaks of how nice a person you are. But, just so you know. Do feel free to point out the negatives here too. I can work with pointers. ^^ Thanks again!