Spooky Space Kook: Spawns with Energy Fields around the map that will slow you down while inside them.
The Creeper: Teleports around the map to ambush you after losing sight of you for the first time.
Captain Cutler: Covers Clue spawn points in seaweed. You won't know what's under it until you remove it.
Green Ghost: Is cloaked until he spots you.
The Witch and the Zombie: Forces you to capture both enemies.
The Black Knight: Charges at you in an attempt to impale and kill you.
Snow Ghost: Roars and shakes your camera sometimes when a chase begins.
Witch Doctor: Has a statue that always knows where you are, and will relentlessly pursue you in an attempt to kill you.
The Tar Monster: Covers random pathways in Tar piles.
Charlie the Robot: Is the fastest enemy in the game.