"If he hadn't helped you, you wouldn't have found me to begin with. Which is what I wanted I-...I didn't want you to come after me Sho-"
".. Well, yeah, I know.. but what they were doing to you?.. It was just.. sickening.. I knew it was something bad, but to that extent-if I didn't, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself for letting so, so much harm come to you. ...And no, I'm not trying to make you feel mushy for me, but I'm not exactly the most sane person. I'm sure you knew I wasn't going to just let you stay here.
He sorta blurted it out, a tad bit loudly mind you-but oh well. He took a moment to himself, before he gently grasped his hand-You know, just because he needed to in his own thoughts. TvT
"...I'm going to be fine.. Please, don't say things like that.. I'll decide what I want to do-If I get hurt, I know it's for something good.. something meaningful.."