I tried the game three times but after a while I was not able to click on the computer anymore and therefore I couldn't continue. I found some other issues aswell.
In this image for example the Production is -99%. Should it be like that? I think that 0% should be minimum production. Another thing you could improve is the tutorial. You never told me how to buy stuff or what the different stuff in the store did or that I even needed food. The transistion betweeen a new day is also wrong (I think). The first time you sleep it show "Day..0" and the next day the day counter shows day 1. I think the game should start on day 1, then when you sleep it says day 2 in the transition and then the daycounter next to earnings says day2.
The daytransition have a bug aswell. If the day counter just showed "Day..2" then it will show "Day.." for some frames and then go away.
I think the game that you have made has a lot of potential. I really like the look of the game(models, animation, UI). With some more polishing the game would be great! I also like the music and sound in general. Your idea for this gamejam was similar to mine, however you made it much better! I did not have time to finish my game, but even the finished version would not look as good as this. If you continue with the game I think it could be really good.
I have rated it, I hope you get the position that you want in the jam!