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Your welcome. With all the changes together it should be a bit easier to finish then the original v1.0.

I can confirm I have recently played the game from start to finish on brutal in one sitting without losing a life :). However that took many attempts and I had the advantage of a lot of practice.

I hope you can make it all the way through the 10 levels, some of them are quite difficult but level 4 should be easier than level 3.

Some things that might help you:

- Using jump in the water makes you go up faster than only using the up key.

- If there is a spike there should be some way to line yourself up to ensure you don't take any damage.

- Don't try to rush too much as its far easier to make mistakes but of course you can't go too slowly because of oxygen.

You get to decide what it means to complete the game, it could be finish each level individually on easy and making use of checkpoints and level codes, or playing from start to finish on the hardest difficulty. Each is valid, I'm just happy for the game to be played :).