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(1 edit)

Right from the start i could tell a lot of thought and work went into this VN, the backgrounds are detailed, the CG's slap, i was very impressed. I went for Leos my first time through and i suppose that says something about me. The only suggestion I have, not critique, is about the MC himself. For your future VN's (if there even are any planned), I'd wish to see a more flawed MC. Or a MC with more spunk, maybe some sarcasm, anything reallycuz right now Raen seems too good his moral compass too perfect, yeah he doesn't know much about, well, anything really, but his altruism is quite frankly so staggering that i had trouble connecting with him. As i mentioned, Leos is my favorite, i love this boy, but when Raen stated that ''we cant just leave him here'' after Leos tried to assassinate him and Fawn I was like.. really? We can't? Any person would lmao.

Also, if i didn't totally blanked out, do we ever find out if Soren wakes up at all?

I enjoyed the ride. I'll look closely for more titles from you :)