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I have been using Itch for ever, and this is the one thing that made me create an account just to say how much this sucks! This is the stupidest garbage i have ever seen! The game is completely idiotic and i can't even tell what cards i am looking at sometimes. Just give us a freaking win button and let us see the porn! And THIS garbage is what you have been doing instead of Chitinous Carnival? Just WHY??? You could just have put this as a fun little game of like... 3 rounds into CC and have THAT character transform, but instead you chose to take a boring game, that only someone who has access to nothing but a deck of cards would play, and you lock your art behind it. That's freaking garbage!


Mad cuz bad cope and seethe, git gud


ratio + no bitches + mald + cope + seethe


It isn't *that* hard.

I kept eating it 'till I learned cards you leave behind stay in the pool, which lead to a lot of chain jokers at the end, and very few healing/armor.

Deal with the powerful cards, and preserve powerful healing cards for the end of the deck.


Game's actually pretty easy once you understand the rules. You have to skip jokers till you have a large amount of armor and defeat anything else, cause it's the only big threats in the game. Everything else is about collecting that much armor that you can destroy all enemies on board


I think someone should be on e621 or something and not looking for a challenging game to entertain them :3 I personally loved it! It's a very strategic game with great art and a simple base behind it, kinda like the card game against Sebastian in Angels With Scaly Wings. I thoroughly enjoyed it the whole time! Plus insects are hawt >w<