NonVR playthrough:
The leaves fall a bit too slowly.
Since it might take some time to actually notice the shed, you could have a noise set on a tigger/timer, that shifts the player's attention on the shed.
While you hear a windchime, it is nowhere to be seen, which could break immersion you need to build at the beginning.
Similarly the clock in the kitchen and livingroom could be animated (and if the second hand is just "stuck" flicking at the same location, indicating low battery)
An unlock/close sound for the door would also be great.
Inside the house, the moths wouldn't fly around the lamps, as long they off.
Upstair wardrobe door clips into the racks and clothes behind when opening, same for the door in the attic leading to the narrow corridor.
Sound attenuation of the sound recorder upstairs needs adjustment, since looking around might mute it.
Overall really great atmosphere and very enjoyable :D