Quick thoughts; Didn't play all the way through yet; The atmosphere is well crafted and the writing is excellent; got lost quickly and often. Class combos are fun and combat feels zippy while punishing complacency.
First try: Brawler, Kamikaze, Psyker. Let's go! The "darkness" was really hard to grasp at first, but once we started parsing the controls and presentation better it started to come together. We made it to the second floor, followed by a surprising third floor. Unsure whether to take it, we went in to the third floor and found uneasy success that snuck up on us as our Psyker went down. The next few combats went really rough, and we didn't track where the healing spot was. We were certainly doomed.
Second try, bring out the graph paper! It didn't take long to lose track of our position, and it felt difficult to get oriented. There isn't a stairway or interactable image, and it was difficult to get our bearings without being able to step back and gain heading. There were several times where mapping out an area did help with orientation, like with doorways and some grooves. We've clawed our way up to the second floor again, this time equipped with supplies and higher level. We saved the game at a point and stopped there for the moment.
The atmosphere is chilling and creepy, in a fun to observe way. The enemies encountered are abstract, fearsome night creatures that look great. It felt like we were powerful enough to run through most any of the encounters, and it wasn't clear to us how differentiated the enemies were. Some spookier names got MP used on them to make doublesure we weren't going to be overwhelmed. At this point of the second floor, our go-to super tool is a team attack that inflicts poison and stun, and a follow up attack against all poison targets. Handy!